Traditional pie with cheese and honey

Recipe Argyro Barbarigou


350 grms feta cheese Divanis

1 cup of honey

1/2 cup of olive oil

400 grms flour

2 eggs

1 cup of milk

50 grms of melted butter Divanis


1 beaten egg

Olive oil for the pan


Preheat the oven in 220 grades.

Oil a large pan (40cm). Put it in the oven.

Put in a bowl the flour. Beat the eggs with the milk. Add half the olive oil and mix until you have a dilute porridge. Add half the feta cheese in trimmings.

Pour the porridge inside the heated pan. Sprinkle with the rest of the feta cheese and the olive oil. Beat the egg and drizzle on the surface.

Bake in the oven for about 45'.

When out of the oven pour it with honey on the top. Serve while hot.
