An easy to make snack!
Savory muffins

3 eggs
10 ml of olive oil
150 grs grated Traditional Cheese Divanis
80 gr of Divanis Feta Cheese
1/2 sachet of baking powder
200 grs flour
sundried tomatoes
paprika, oregano
salt, pepper
Pure Melted Butter Divanis
Beat the eggs and add the olive oil.
Continue stirring. Slowly add the flour and the baking powder continuing shuffling.
If the mix is too tight add water.
Finally, add the grated cheese and the rest of the ingredients. Pour the mixture in a pan for muffins spread with the butter and bake in preheated oven at 180 Celsium grades for half an hour.
tip: You can add cold cuts in small cubes as you please.